Star Of The Week

Star Of The Week

Congratulations to the following students.

Certificates will be presented at assembly.

Prep JK  Thomas R

For always trying his best with all of his work and for having a positive

attitude towards school. Keep up the great work Thomas!

Prep JT Kruz PFor having a can do attitude and for doing incredibly well with hearing and learning his letters and sounds. Great job Kruzy, you should be so proud!
Prep STAdara M For working so hard to learn the sight words to become a confident reader and writer. You are a superstar Adara! Well done.
1MCCharlie MFor a positive attitude to learning and extending himself by applying what he has learnt at home. We loved hearing about the letters you are writing to people Charlie, well done!
1JSMacey CFor working hard to build her resilience and working on her positive attitude when she has been challenged. Keep up the great work Macey!
2JWDanniellaFor having a fantastic attitude in the classroom. Keep up the strong work ethic champ
2PWTyler MFor his positive attitude in Writing and striving to achieve success, no matter how difficult the task. Well done, Tyler!
34C Lauren SFor creating a wonderful comic strip in Reading. Well done Sznic!
34D Maya NFor her excellent efforts in all learning tasks and being a great contributor to the class. Well done Maya!
34OAidan VFor his positive attitude and always giving things his best shot. Great job Aidan!
34W Kade HFor giving his absolute best effort in everything he does. Keep it up champion!
34Z Not Available

Owen M

Josh W

For always taking an active and interested role in class discussions with our class novel. Also for understanding Paul’s sense of humour!

For adopting a positive attitude and strong work ethic when using ‘Duolingo”.

56I Not Available
56S Claudia   For fantastic poetry writing. Great work Claudia!
STEMAcelya DFor great behaviour and efforts in STEAM during the term. Well done Acelya.
Music Nate C For a great attitude in Music lessons and for helping with tasks in the Music room. Well done Nate - keep up the great guitar playing!
ArtWill MFantastic green fish on the Art display board. Well done Will.
P.E. Velkan KFor persisting and improving his skipping skills. Keep up the great work!