Student Leaders for 2020

Shortly after farewelling this year’s Year 12 at the Graduation Assembly, our newly elected student leaders for 2019 - 2020 were announced. School Captains are Mackenzie Weaver and Clifford Toomey and Vice-Captains are Georgia Smith and Michael Horne. Our congratulations goes to each of them and we are sure they will do a great job and continue to grow as fine leaders of our school.


Collectively our new student leaders bring a terrific array of talents and interests. Michael Horne will be familiar to many as one of the long term members of the high school's Bush Bots robotics team. Michael was a part of the team that travelled to Houston to compete in the FIRST International Robotics Championships. Mackenzie participates in a range of extracurricular pursuits, is a great writer and has a strong network across the school. Clifford is a great sportsman and a terrific young Aboriginal leader in our community. He is a great role model for our students. Georgia has aspirations of pursuing a nursing career, but in the role as Vice Captain she said she is committed to setting a good example and being a good role model for her fellow students