Principal's Report 

With just six weeks left of the school year, Year 12 are soon to complete the last of their HSC exams while Stages 4 and 5 are about to commence their end of year exams. Revision of topics that have been taught throughout the year has been a key focus these past few weeks. Eating and sleeping well is so important for all of us, even more so when we have the added pressure of exams.


Since my last report we have enjoyed a terrific 2019 Show Case event that celebrated the musical and artistic talents of many of our students. Music teacher, Mr  Vella and art teacher, Ms Pocock are to be commended for their terrific efforts in planning and delivering an event that saw many students participate and many from across our community attend.


Another highlight at the end of last term was the graduation of our Year 12 class of 2019. As part of the formal graduation proceedings, Mr Steve Druce delivered a touching tribute to a student cohort that he has been year adviser for since they commenced Year 7. We will certainly remember the 2019 Year 12 cohort as a very close knit group of young people.


Shortly after farewelling this year’s Year 12, we announced our newly elected student leaders for the next 12 months. School Captains are Mackenzie Weaver and Clifford Toomey and Vice Captains are Georgia Smith and Michael Horne. My congratulations go to each of them, I know they will continue to grow as fine leaders of our school and make an important contribution.


As part of the school’s commitment to cultivating great citizenship attributes in our students, the P&C and former Wee Waa High teacher, Mrs Maxine Booby have generously co funded a citizenship rewards program. The program recognises and acknowledges students who are making a valuable contribution to the community. In addition to being recognised at our school assembly, these students receive a movie/popcorn/drink pass to the Crossing Theatre. Our first awardees were Tialas Croaker, Leslie Toomey and Clifford Toomey who were acknowledged for their voluntary contribution of time to the set-up and clean-up of this year’s Country Music Muster. We also encourage nominations for this award from across our community. Please contact myself or Ms Neil if you would like to nominate someone for this award.


To end on a more serious note, we recently had a visit from local police officer, Senior Constable Cameron Bounds, who addressed the student assembly about responsible use of the internet and social media platforms Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. I ask that parents, carers and family members regularly remind young people of the risks of posting content that can result in distress or harm for others. A moment of thoughtlessness can potentially result in legal action and have a lifelong impact on  both parties involved. This is a conversation we all need to continue having with young people and as a community.


Yours sincerely,


Annabel Doust
