College Captains

Dear Brighton Secondary College Community,

We would like to officially introduce ourselves as the College Captains of Brighton Secondary College for 2020.


The process in getting here was both exciting and extremely challenging, and the four of us could not be more grateful for this incredible opportunity to represent our school. In order for you to start getting to know us, we’d like to introduce just some of our goals for 2020:

  • To increase the culture of connectedness and team work amongst staff, students and the broader community.
  • To strengthen our school spirit and pride as well as to encourage everyone to get involved and seize all the amazing opportunities that Brighton Secondary College has to offer.

We are so excited for the year ahead, with a lot of amazing things planned, and we are looking forward to seeing you all in person soon.


Yours Sincerely,

Darcy, Maeve, Lucy and Sam

The College Captains

International Captains

We are honoured to be the International Captains for 2020, to represent a dynamic community of international students and to help support the wonderful experience at Brighton Secondary College. Currently, international captains are considered as the support team of international students; it’s simply just one of many things we do. Not only do we support students as they face difficulties when living far from home, but also, it’s our role to raise, among all students, the awareness of global affairs and appreciation for multiculturalism in Australia, which are represented by our very own international students. We will work tirelessly to continue to support our beloved students and achieve this goal.


Yours Sincerely,

John Nguyen ( International Captain) Nancy Lai and Masaya Shakano (International liaison officer). 

Junior School Captains

As the Junior School Captains our goals for 2020 are to work with our school community, the student body and lead  the Year 7 & 8 Class Captains. We want to help students get more involved in life at BSC, and to focus on the overall happiness of the junior school students by helping them with adapting to the new load of work and have higher expectations for their learning. We will also encourage student participation throughout the year levels for school events such as Chorals, Production and other various school sporting events. We will work heavily with the College Captains and Student Representative Council to address whole school issues and lead school and community events. We hope you are all as excited as we are for next year!


Yours Sincerely,

Lola Poore, Finn Robertson, Jessica Ou