Wellbeing Update

'At St Anthony’s we strive to provide safe classroom communities that provide students with a sense of safety, affirmation and belonging, alongside opportunities to explore faith and social / emotional skills.'

Wellbeing Update

Dear parents and guardians, 


I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and restful holiday. Have a great time with your family 


Remember to stay safe and take care on the roads. 


I cannot wait to see all the excited families tomorrow at the Christmas Carnival!


I look forward to seeing everyone again in late January.


Kind regards, 


James Gow

Wellbeing Services

Kids Helpline - Anytime Any reason


Kids helpline has an online help domain now. Children who are not comfortable to call the 1800 number can go to the website (see the link above) and enter the age appropriate link to get mental health and wellbeing support.

Please remember that we take the wellbeing and safety of all of our children and community members very seriously. We are a Childsafe School. If at any time you have any concerns, please remember that we are here to listen and work out the best outcome for all and all matters can be handled in a calm and reasonable manner. The Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct is very clear about the manner in which everyone should be treated with equal respect. Please see the Policy in the Wellbeing section of our newsletter and on our Website. You will also note some more new signage going up this week that clearly articulates that we are a child safe school.


Encouraging good behaviour

Through our positive behaviour practices we try to focus on making good choices and doing the right thing. This helps prevent conflict and deal with conflict. Often children know when they have done the wrong thing.  Talking about it helps them process poor choices that often happen in a moment of anger.


We look at any instance of conflict or a poor choice at St Anthony's or in our community as a 'teachable moment', stopping right in the moment to role play a different scenario and model the right approach to deal with something.  There are often many teachable moments available to us if we stop to think when reflecting on choices made and other ways we could have responded. 


We use the term safe hands, hands off at St Anthony's because we do not tolerate any physical violence towards any human being, hands off means no hitting, no kicking, not punching, no tripping, no pushing no hands or feet. 

Sometimes children make mistakes and forget to use safe hands and this is a good time for a teachable moment. The more opportunities we have for teachable moments, the more our children will respond to conflict with the right choice.