
From the Careers Desk

Exciting opportunities and engaging events continue to flow through the careers department and out to the students at Baimbridge College.


Morrisby interviews completed:

All year 9s have now completed their Morrisby testing and have participated in one-on-one interviews with external career specialists. Each student spent around 30 minutes in the interview where they had their results analysed and interpreted. Students should now feel more confident about making career pathway choices that suit their interests and natural abilities. It was great timing as students can use this information to inform and support their subject choices for year 10 and beyond. The test can be revisited at any time and there are a few sections that can be revisited to reflect changing interests and aspirations in the future.

Year 10 Trade Taster Program:

In partnership with the HDSC and Westvic Staffing Solutions, an enthusiastic group of year 10 students have been participating to experience a broad range of local trades. Each week the students attended the HDSC and took part in practical and instructional sessions aimed at giving them a ‘taster’ of a different trade. From plumbing to auto electrics and from hospitality to plastering, the students have enthusiastically welcomed local trade professionals each week to share their expertise and skills. The aim of the program is to provide students with network contacts, real knowledge of what different trades are like and the training and commitment that is required. With this knowledge and experience the students are less likely to enter a profession that they are not fully informed about, consequently, they have the chance to be more confident about their choices and so more successful and secure in the future.

International House visit:

Thursday lunchtime, residential accommodation provider, International House is visiting Baimbridge College. The visit aims to provide prospective students with information about the facilities they have as well as the scholarships available. Students who are considering attending Melbourne University or any other city-based university in 2020 or in the future, should seriously consider meeting with the representative to speak to them about the options and opportunities that are available to rural students.

HILAC visit:

Last week we hosted a visit from alumni member Alex Coon who is this year completing a gap-year traineeship in sport and recreation at HILAC. Alex came to speak to the year 10s, 11s, and 12s about the lifeguard training that is beginning in September. Students were encouraged to consider participating in the training as the qualification is in demand, transferable to many locations and often pays above many other casual jobs for young people. Alex also shared with the group his experiences since graduating in 2018. He told the group that he has come to realise that many of the skills learned and practiced at school that seemed irrelevant at the time, are now so important to him. Alex is continuing to take any training opportunity that comes his way while working at the gym to build his skills portfolio and encouraged the students present to do the same.

Year 12 Motivational Speakers:

Last Monday the year 12s enjoyed a delicious lunch while they listened to Toni Wright from local accounting firm Cogger Gurry. Toni is a superannuation specialist and endeavoured to highlight to the group the importance of building and actively looking after their superannuation. There were several great questions from the audience and students left a little more informed about this aspect of their future working life. Toni also shared her career journey with the group. Toni emphasised to them that it’s okay to change what you are doing if it doesn’t work out, and that it is very important to stay on the lookout for training and experience that can add value to your career and increase your employability. Another motivational speaker is planned towards the end of term. Thanks to Miss GB and Wendy for supplying and serving the lunch and yummy slices.


All year 12 students who are considering continuing to tertiary education in 2020 or 2021 should have visited the VTAC website, registered and begun to make some course selections by now. Students are reminded that late application fees apply and that their choices can be changed several times before first round offers come out in December. Further information, support and advice are available at any time in the career’s office.

University open days:

There have been and will continue to be several university open days over the next month or so. Please consider attending an open day if you want to find out more about the courses on offer, the accommodation available and scholarships that can be applied for. Students are strongly encouraged to begin attending open days from years 9 or 10 so that you have the most time to make an informed decision. Some universities are offering travel and accommodation reimbursements to make it easier to attend. If you are unable to visit on the designated days, most institutions are willing to provide a prearranged personal tour at other times.


On Thursday the 5th of September representatives from the ADF will be at school. They are running a general information session during lunch time in WC7. They are also happy to have small group meetings with senior students who would like to know more about the pathways on offer. To arrange this please speak with MVI.

Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program:

For many years Baimbridge College students have been applying to and then participating in the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program run at Melbourne University. The applications open on the 2nd of September. If you are interested, you are encouraged to log on to the site to find out more about the program and what if offers. More information and support to apply are available in the careers office.

Wool overview program:

Students who attended the trip to the Melbourne wool auctions and the Geelong Wool Museum will again be out and about in this to complete the program’s activities. Students will attend a local shearing shed on Thursday the 29th of August to participate in a day of shearing. On Friday the 30th of August they will attend a working-dog training and stock handling day out at RIST. This program aims to highlight to students how varied and valuable careers in the wool industry can be.

RIST Careers in Agriculture Day:

Agriculture continues to be the biggest employer in the region. On the 9th of September, RIST is again running their highly successful open day. Ten Baimbridge students have signed up to join the many others from schools across the district to attend the informative and hands on sessions. The students will spend the day at RIST finding out about the many different pathways on offer within agriculture and how they can study locally to gain highly sort after qualifications. RIST morning teas and lunches are legendary so make sure all paperwork is returned as soon as possible.

LinkedIn comes to Hamilton:

During the evening of Thursday the 19th of September, Sue Ellson from Melbourne is visiting Hamilton to present an information session on the online networking platform LinkedIn. Baimbridge College has joined with other schools in the district to make this exciting opportunity available to all senior students. Details about the event will be advertised in the local newspaper and across several social media platforms. Please contact MVI for more information.

LinkedIn Information Seminar

The careers teachers of Baimbridge College, Monivae College and The Hamilton & Alexandra College and South West TAFE have combined with LLEN, Beyond the Bell and the Southern Grampians Shire to arrange an exciting LinkedIn information session for all senior students in the region.

LinkedIn is an online professional networking platform that can connect individuals via their professional interests, education, training and aspirations. The platform is particularly valuable for remote and regional students who may not have established networks with a broad range of professionals before they finish year twelve. The platform is equally valuable for all students regardless of the academic stream they have pursued in the final years of their schooling.

The event is being hosted by the Southern Grampians Shire at the Hamilton PAC on the 19th of September at 7- 8 pm. The presenter, Sue Ellison is a highly qualified and broadly experienced Melbourne based facilitator who is very excited about introducing and supporting our students to make these valuable professional connections. For more information about Sue please look her up on LinkedIn.

This is a valuable opportunity for all of the district’s senior students as many tertiary providers have LinkedIn training sessions in the first years of study. Attending this session would enable students to be ahead of the pack.

There will be a small entry cost of approximately $10-$15 and this will be confirmed closer to the event.

For more information please contact your relevant careers practitioner or Marissa Vincent at Baimbridge College at ,


Thank you and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation in this exciting event.


Marissa Vincent.

Careers Coordinator

Baimbridge College


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