Around and Beyond  the school

Our new staff having a round of golf

Do You Want to Make a Difference?

We are seeking two enthusiastic parents to take up positions on our School Council for a two year term.  If you are interested in being part of driving the direction of the school for your children please contact the school on 55722788 to learn more about the nomination process.


Get on the Green

Golf experience for our new staff that thought golf was just for rich and famous people.

HAMILTON golf club kindly allowed them the opportunity to play one night after school.


If you have a valid Health Care Card you can receive the Camps Sports & Excursions funding.  Please check this link out and visit the General Office to apply.

Can you please help??

Our canteen is in desperate need of volunteers.  With limited names on the roster in 2019 (thank you  thank you thank you for your contribution to our school to those who have volunteered) we are calling for volunteers.

We do not care how long you can give.  One hour will be better than nothing.

Our canteen has already lost one trading day and the students miss that dearly.  Without volunteers we could lose another.


If you are able to assist please complete the form below and return it to school.  We appreciate anything we receive from our volunteers.