Pathways Manager

by Annie Curruthers

It’s been a very happy, joyful (lots of squealing!) start to the year, with MITS Alumni re-connections happening on both weekends of first term.


On Sunday 3rd February the class of 2018 came together with this year’s students, at Sorrento Yacht Club, on a glorious hot Sorrento day. The Sorrento Couta Boat Club provided the MITS students and alumni the most beautiful location for sailing, swimming and a BBQ which everyone enjoyed.


On Sunday 10th February, almost all MITS  alumni students made their way to the Tudor Family Farm for the Annual Host Family BBQ.  It was great to see the emerging Ramingining hip-hop group happening, and older siblings or cousins proudly introducing their younger family to different adults on the day.


All students have settled very well into their Host Families and new Partner Schools, with some already announcing that they’ve decided they want to do year 12 in Melbourne which is music to our ears!

A great start to the year!