Assistant Principal Report


Maramba  Vision

Providing a caring environment where aspirations are nurtured, positive relationships grow, success is celebrated and a passion for lifelong learning is ignited.

Nurture. Innovate. Celebrate.


Dear Students, Parents, Carers and  Families,


Welcome back

It brings such joy knowing that we have all students back at school this week. What a journey the past three months has presented, and how deeply we cherish the privilege of working with your children. 

My readings this week linked to supporting communities in establishing a ‘new normal’ moving forward. Thinking about moving forward rather than ‘snapping’ back.

 It highlighted neuroscience and its effect on how we perceive an experience. “The amygdala, or “threat centre” of the brain, is registered to give priority to bad news.” - Paul J. Whalen et al. 

Our teachers and students have commenced capturing reflections and potential learning from the last 3 months, working to identify positive aspects that emerged from managing the COVID threat. 

Our staff have reflected on things that did work and why, things that did not work and why, what we will keep from this time moving forwards and what we will now restart as we all return to onsite classes. Broadly speaking we have all gained new skills, particularly technological and problem solving, our parent/teacher relationships have strengthened, the teaching community has collaborated in an unparalleled way, some of our students have found their voice through the online platforms and relished a more flexible learning schedule, many students have built resilience and independence and teachers are feeling more appreciated and respected in the community at large. 

While it is going to take time for families to settle and find their own ‘new normal’, you may like to keep these three questions in mind:

1. What should we stop? 

2. What should we keep?

 3. What should we start? 

Posing them at the dinner table one evening or even during a long car trip (when we can again do this!). I do wonder what our children will respond with as reflection on their own past 3 months.

We all agreed that it has been wonderful that parents have had the opportunity to become more involved in their child’s learning. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work of the Maramba Primary teachers during this remote learning phase with a sincere, public thank you.


Kind Regards,

Diane Morwood

Assistant Principal