Where are they now

Uyen My Pham - Class of 2018

Lullaby for the Motherland - Uyen My Pham


30 April marks 45 years since the fall of Saigon. As the daughter of first generation Vietnamese boat immigrants, I can only imagine the trauma of losing one’s homeland through their excruciatingly gut-wrenching stories. I wrote this song based on my mum and grandparents' journey. I marvel at the cost of freedom, and it makes me think of our current times, of entrapment and uncertainty. I think of those who fled, that stayed, those who lost their lives and more in their search for freedom. Their bravery speaks more eloquently than a thousand tongues. 


I wrote this song with their losses in mind a soothing lullaby to ease their wounds, the ones that time can never heal. A rough take but if features my two little brothers on drums and bass, a play through on dad’s birthday. #30thapril.


Career Snapshot

This year has,  unfortunately, with COVID-19 and its restrictions, meant that our Career Pathways activities, events, University/TAFE Open days and Work Experience have had to be cancelled or reduced significantly.   Our Careers Counsellor, Megan Larritt, organised for past students to put forward a Career Snapshot for our students to view.  Here are a couple of the Snapshots from our Alumni.

Lesley Cheng- Class of 1998



Teresa Kemp - Class of 1975


Tori Hobbs - Class of 2012


Susie Tang - Class of 2011