Students return to Killester after Lockdown

Reflections from our Year 12s returning to school after COVID-19 Lockdown
Walking the red carpet was a lovely start to the first day, although it was less embarrassing for me because I came at 8:40 and most of the teachers were gone. It is good to be back at school because I missed my friends and teachers. It is also good to be out of the house after two months because it is almost like I forgot how to walk from staying in my room all day. I appreciate how the teachers are very supportive and understanding. Stephanie
My day started at 6.30am when I woke up for school. I was extremely tired. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. Waking up at 6.30am used to be so easy for me but I feel as if I have fallen out of routine and it's so hard to wake up now. I got to school nice and early and met my friends, who I was so excited to see. I’m scared for what the rest of the year holds but I think my teachers and friends will keep me well prepared and motivated. Ines
The first few days back have been unreal and I'm surprised that the school went to such lengths to welcome us back, it was embarrassing but I thought it was cute, especially with all the teachers welcoming us back. Yesterday I visited the new arts and music building and wow, it's better than I expected, it looks very modern and just an overall great space. I still need more time to adjust back to the environment because the past two days I've been feeling really tired and sleepy. Getting up in the morning is especially a challenge because the past couple weeks I could sleep in but now I would have to get up so much earlier. The weather isn't much help either, the chilly weather in the morning makes me want to sleep in. I miss online schooling and the comfortable and relaxing environment at home, but it's also good to be back at school and friends. In terms of schoolwork I feel like being back at school gives me less time to study and complete homework when returning home, but I guess that's up to my organisation skills. Doan
Coming back to school was definitely strange. The red carpet was a nice welcome back to school, and seeing my Homeroom was also nice. It was weird being around so many people at once again, but hopefully I'll get used to it soon. Waking up early was really hard but I'm managing. It feels like I've forgotten how to talk to people, which is strange. I'm hoping to buckle down on my studies since it's Year 12, and to organise myself better. Shannon
For the first day back I was tired and extremely cold, I walked to school that morning and it was dark and foggy and cold when I left the house and it was far and I was just tired. The red carpet was embarrassing but it was a nice gesture I guess. The school day itself was okay, just felt normal, having the tables separated is pretty uncomfortable though but the first two periods were nice to ease into. Despite all the issues, I hope you were able to have a nice time during quarantine and maybe even be able to relax a little. Jessica
Getting up on the first day back was not too bad. I managed fine. The second day though, I struggled to get up a little bit. I miss the extra sleep time. Although I hate waking up early in the morning, having the scheduled classes helps me get back on track instead of just doing the bare minimum right before the due date during the quarantine. After a few weeks in online schools, my motivation started to die down and I just did not want to do anything anymore. Doing my work at home was quite distracting as well, so going back to school really helped me get back on track. Xuan
My first day at school has been welcoming and good so far. The welcome was fun but embarrassing. There wasn't that much work given so far so it was easy to slowly get used to being back at school and classes were quite easy to get used to again. The teachers have been going over the work we did which helped me understand the work more. Amy
It was not as hard to get back to school as l thought but l still hate waking up early to get to school and attend classes. Today morning it was so hard to wake up and get to school, I think l'm done with school already! Quarantine went so fast. Linda
Yesterday, getting out of the car with the welcome of teachers and claps it was awkward and embarrassing, however the warm welcome did make me remember the feeling of coming to school and not being stuck at home. First two periods of yesterday were very calm, which made it a slow transition back. The next four periods were okay, wanted to be at school but at the same time didn't want to be here ... haha! But overall, the day was okay. Today when I woke up I kinda didn't want to come to school for some reason but had no choice haha! Feel like the year is dragging out too much and time is going slower and slower haha! But we'll get there :) Zi-Yan
The first day of school was very unexpected with the red carpet, but it was very welcoming.
I felt like the day went by very fast and I was glad to see my friends. The only thing I don't like is waking up early to leave the house. I'm glad to be back and it is easier to pay attention in class now as I can't doze off on my own.
Being at school makes me feel more productive as it provides an environment for me to learn and study in, whereas at home I'm used to lazing around. School also gives me a break from my younger siblings too, which is great.
I'm eager to learn back at school. Ayrissa
I'm happy to be back! I don't like is waking up in the morning because I would normally wake up around 8:30 and now I need to wake up around 7:45. I also don't like the cold, but hopefully I will get used to that or I will get the school pants. I like seeing everyone's faces again especially the ones I haven't spoken to for a while and the teachers. I almost forgot how fun it is to talk to everyone and say hello to everyone I walk past! Overall I'm glad we're all back! Amber
I really enjoyed seeing all my friends again except I would still prefer to stay at home. I'd rather be at home because of the more hours of sleep I was getting as well as getting things done at my own pace. What I learned about myself is that I am able to work efficiently whilst at home rather, unlike others that were finding it hard to keep motivated. Coming back to school and adjusting back to 'school life' was not too difficult as teachers didn't just go straight into teaching but talked about what we found helpful/difficult over the quarantine. Kalyani
The first few days back have been somewhat strange and out of the ordinary since we've been at home for the last two months. It was embarrassing when my dad dropped me off at the roundabout and we were greeted by a red carpet and quite an amount of teachers. My dad was more excited than I was telling me I should 'take a photo'. It was great to see my friends again after so long and enjoy my classes in real life instead of over a screen. My motivation was lacking during the last two months but I'm starting to feel somewhat motivated again. Overall, I'm glad to be back at school, however I miss sleeping in! Ziska
Hope you have been well. It's very good to be back, waking up early and going back to routine. However, I felt sooooooo happy when arriving to school and the teachers all clapping. I honestly did not like isolation and I didn't like not having a scheduled timetable and not seeing friends and teachers. At the start of Term 2 I did struggle, I procrastinated, had my phone next to me during meets, after signing in I would go back to bed, it was just so weird. However, I did enjoy baking, catching up on shows and having more time to myself. Glad to be back and ready to work harder!!
Have a good day! Leeah
Yesterday was not too bad to actually get up, I would have liked to stay in bed though. It was good seeing my friends, and finally able to talk to each other in person and laugh together. I sort of forgot what classes were like while at school. However I am glad to be back, as it was getting a bit difficult towards the end. Thanks!! Mia
It was very funny walking through the school. I felt famous and the teachers were acting like paparazzi with their cameras, phones and clapping. Period 1 and 2 was very relaxing to have Homeroom and do some colouring. It felt weird being back at school with everyone. Classes went on as usual just with less technology which I prefer and nothing was that bad. Grace