Principal's Address

Welcome Killester Alumni to the first of our new online newsletter format, technology gives us such a rich opportunity to engage with so many in our community via different platforms and I thank and congratulate Ms Loreto Cannon and Ms Kylie Taberner for the work done in preparing this publication.
My first year as Principal at Killester has been one of the most extraordinary merry go round rides I've ever been on. The incredibly sad and sudden death of Ms Kath Lawson last year taught me very quickly about not only the fragility of life, but also about the richness and depth of the Killester community to which I have the privilege to belong. Our community has yet again shown its strength and determination during the Covid crisis as we delivered a progressive, sustainable and engaging curriculum, all prepared in a matter of days. All decisions during this time were made with student and staff wellbeing at the core and I am so incredibly proud of the way staff, students and families have responded...we are all very ready for a holiday though!
Coming from Kildara in Malvern, I completed my Brigidine Education in the late 1980s and being at Killester indeed feels very much like coming home. I look forward to meeting more and more alumni in the coming months, indeed the women to whom I have been introduced thus far have shown themselves to be shining examples of strength and kindliness. I encourage all alumni to contact Ms Loreto Cannon to chat about ways to become involved in some way with our old collegian network, the young women of Killester need to hear your voices and experiences as much, if not more, than they need to hear ours.
My blessing to all, I look forward to opportunities to meet with you in the coming months.
Sally Buick