TAFE Update

Next week, the week commencing 15 June 2020 the following TAFE courses will return to modified face to face classes onsite at TAFE NSW. The table below identifies the course, student cohort, location, day and time for resuming in this week, along with any additional information related to risk controls.  Other courses will be continuing online and will resume face to face delivery from the week of June 29. Please check in with your teachers, absences must be communicated to your TAFE teachers.

Staying safe at TAFE NSW

Adult learning environments are more complex than schools, and there are many more variables in vocational settings, so students have a role to play in contributing to safe learning environments.

Teachers will conduct a safety briefing at the start of each class to remind students of the specific hygiene and social distancing measures in place. We have reminded students of their obligation to follow the instructions of TAFE NSW teachers and support staff.

In addition, TAFE NSW recommends that students bring:

  • A water bottle as bubblers are only available for filling bottles.
  • Their own food (that does not require refrigeration) to minimise the need to access canteen facilities or leave the campus.

Any questions, please contact me. Stay Safe,


Ms Lucia Dickie

VET Coordinator