Staff Member of the Week

Daniel Glenn

Selecting the staff member of the week has been a challenging task. So many people have ‘stood’ up during the remote learning time. Staff have supported the school’s efforts by taking on additional work and in some cases, completely restructuring their roles. Daniel Glenn is one of these people. He has done an exceptional job over the last six weeks and has worn so many different ‘hats’. To begin with, he worked tirelessly to prepare computers for students requiring a loan device. He communicated with parents and provided technical support where required. Whilst this was going on, he also took on the role of coordinating the distribution of work packs for students without reliable internet access. Through these roles, he has provided much needed support for students and their families.

Further to these important roles and functions, he has also designed and launched HHS’s new website and made virtual videos to promote our school. Wow!

Congratulations Dan, you’re a champ and we appreciate everything you do for us!


Daniel Glenn has taken on so many roles this term and has done a great job in each of them. Often these roles have become pretty complex, however, Dan has worked through these complexities with a positive and calm attitude. Dan deserves this recognition.

Laura Mitchell


Mrs Ryder Barnes developed a short video to thank Dan as part of last week’s ES acknowledgment. 

View the video here:


Not only is Dan a super hero at Healesville High School but he also does his part to protect and support the local community. In his spare time he wears another 'hat' and volunteers for the Healesville Community Fire Brigade.