Convenience comes to Cecil

Available to students and staff

Say what you want about Covid-19, but crisis breeds creativity. In uncertain times, where sharing has become a problem, a little idea has grown into a fully-fledged business for our two Year 11 Vocational Education & Training classes, Skills for Work & Vocational Pathways.


Now available to all staff and students is a stationery vending machine, conveniently located in the school Library. “We decided to not only stock stationery items but personal hygiene products also, to help combat the spread of Covid-19” stated Gabriella Porreca of Year 11. “We also conducted a survey to see what items people would buy the most and the results of this survey have guided us in what we will sell in our machine”. 


Along with stationery items the machine will stock items such as tissues, hand sanitiser, USB sticks, earphones, hair ties and hand warmers for winter. There will also be a few healthier snack items for sale, however, we ask that you refrain from eating them in the Library, as it is a food and drink free zone. 


“VET subjects require a practical assessment to reinforce the skills learned and this is what we are doing by running this business” said Mr Alfonsi and to make the project a little more exciting, Mr Alfonsi and Mr Abbott are running a competition between their classes. “We will be running a competition between classes as to who will make the most sales” stated Blake Vella, a student undertaking the course. “We have to promote the machine using any means available and we get to choose a few different food items that we think will sell best”. 


Our prices will be kept low as profit isn’t our priority, so please support Year 11 by purchasing items from our machine.


Year 11 - Skills for Work students