Pastoral Care

  • Pastoral Care Reports
  • Edmund Rice Beyond Borders
  • House Cup
  • Year 10 and 11 students rise to the call of duty
  • City of Ryde/Lane Cove Parenting Webinar - Demystifying Adolescents

 Well-being Anecdotes from the Student Diary Planner

“Remember there is no such thing as a small act of kindness, 

every act creates a ripple with  no logical end.” 

Scott Adams

Pastoral Care Reports

After reading each student’s Pastoral Care report, I was greatly encouraged by the resilience and empathy for others reported in the way our students overcame the challenges of online learning this semester. Our students have risen to the occasion in so many ways including our Year 12 Leaders who demonstrated great example of student agency and voice to lead the College imaginatively through their Pursue your Passion (Will Chen), ANZAC Day (Sam Barrell), Mother's Day, (Lachlan Mathie) and Reconciliation Week and Red Dirt Immersion (Tyson McCallum) videos.

Semester 2 will present new challenges and I encourage all students to creatively seek ways to represent and live out ideals of the College through our Inclusive Pastoral Care and Cocurrricular programs. From sport, to service, outdoor pursuits and social justice there are a great number of opportunities for each and every student of the College to pursue his passion, show strength in support of others and live out the Touchstone Values of Edmund Rice education.

Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders (EREBB)

I participated in a EREBB Zoom Conference last night where I had the opportunity to listen to Paola, a Primary PDHPE Teacher from Stella Maris College Uruguay, Thomas, a radio sports facilitator from ER Nairobi Kenya, Alberto Oliveras from Cardinal Newman Buenos Aires Argentina, Br Damien Price from Brisbane and John Eales in Sydney whose father once taught at St Pius. The overriding lessons from Sports affected by Covid-19 restrictions was the creative manner in which we need to reinforce those lessons sport gives to us: John Eales' summation of the need to teach composure: Confidence without arrogance, which comes from a sense of Faith. A deep confidence in yourself, your team and the system, without any of which success will only ever be intermittent. As we embark on our Winter sports program we will do well to remember the fundamental lessons of inclusion and community over a sense of self, for which we strive. 

Thank you to our Year 8 RE students led by Liam Boswell and Massimo Pappallo who are communicating our best wishes and support to our EREBB cousins in 8 schools overseas using our Year 12 Student leaders' inspiring videos as the centrepieces for student agency in expressing what St Pius Chatswood is all about. 

House Cup

Congratulations to the following Year 9 students who have been appointed as House Vice Captain leaders for Semester 2. All things going well they will have opportunity to represent the College at functions in September and Remembrance Day in November, assist in the planning and conduct of the Year 9 Rites of Passage Camps at Workul Koo in October and support the House Captains 2020 and 2021 in the conduct of the House Cup.


House Cup Points from Year 7 PDHPE House Basketball this week 

PURTON 100 points        

TREACY 80 points            

RICE 60 points   

BARRON 40 points   


Stay tuned for the House Points from the 'Write a Book in a Day' program which will be run by Ms Keighery in the Senior Resource Centre tomorrow.

Year 10 and 11 students rise to the call of duty

Recently we received communication that the following students: Cameron Bragg (Year 11), Sam Ferguson and Shoaland Griffith (Year 10) went to the aid of a younger student from Our Lady of Dolours Primary School who had a fall at the Victoria Ave crossing. They assisted the student the rest of the way to the OLD school office and received the admiration of all who witnessed the situation. Ms Thorpe (Acting Principal OLD) was glowing in her praise for these young men who have raised the standard of our Inclusive Community and Faith in Action in the midst of what are concerning and “uncertain times” for many. 

City of Ryde and Lane Cove Parenting Webinar with Dr Michael Carr- Gregg  

Lane Cove and Ryde Council are offering another Webinar next Monday, 29 June, at 7.00 pm. This webinar is called 'Demystifying Adolescents', and is suitable for parents of teens and those preparing for their children to enter their teens.

Register early to avoid possible disappointment. More information is attached below.



Wishing all members of our wider College community a very restful and restorative winter break from school after what has been a tumultuous and unpredictable Semester 1. We remember in our prayers all our Edmund Rice Beyond Border schools around the globe, for some of whom the Covid-19 lockdown continues and access to technology and online learning is far more difficult than our albeit challenging experience.


Fide et Labore


Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care and Well being