Year 3 - 6 News

Year 3

It was great to see our Year 3’s come back to school with such enthusiasm. We enjoyed watching their smiles when seeing their friends for the first time and they were so excited to share all of their experiences with their teachers and classmates. It was wonderful to see them develop their skills through OneNote and it was great to see some of their new skills being displayed in the classroom with many of them becoming experts! 

Today the students are straight back into it, confidently presenting the work they prepared at home about notable Indigenous Australians.

Thank you to the parents and grandparents for all of the time and effort you have put into your children’s learning over the last 8 weeks, your work is much appreciated and we understand for many it was a juggling act. Finally, Congratulations to all of our Year 3 students we are so proud of you. ❤️ The Year 3 Team 😊

Year 4

The Year 4’s all returned to the classroom with smiling faces and great attitudes! They enjoyed reconnecting with their peers and the teachers loved seeing all their students again. The classrooms felt complete! 😊 We all decided that some of their uniforms had shrunk(!) and some students could even touch the floor in their chairs when they couldn’t before! We look forward to a busy couple of weeks before the holidays. Thank you to all the parents for their positivity and support during this time of uncertainty. ❤️ The Year 4 Team 😊

Year 5

The Year 5 students have returned to school with increased independence and a zest for learning. On their first day, it was great to see the students catching up with their friends and settle quickly back into their daily routines. The students enjoyed working collaboratively on problem solving and maths activities and their group project relating to our Unit of Inquiry. We are so proud of everything the students have achieved during their Remote Learning experience. We would like to thank our wonderful parents for their support and encouragement throughout the this unprecedented time. ❤️The Year 5 Team 😊

Year 6

After eight weeks of Remote Learning, we welcomed Year 6 back to school and were very excited to catch up on all that has been happening this term! Although some students admitted to feeling a little apprehensive, all settled in beautifully and after some morning mindfulness, the Senior Learning Centre was soon abuzz with conversation and laughter. 


It is great to be back together after such a long time, but we have also been able to reflect on all the wonderful personal achievements and successes experienced during the time spent at home. Some children celebrated birthdays during isolation, many welcomed new pets into their families, some learnt to cook and several had significant growth spurts!


When asked what they would miss about being at home, the children’s answers were varied, but many were relatable:

  • sleeping in
  • being able to get a snack any time I wanted to
  • getting all my work done within 3 hours so I could play footy/walk my dog/watch TV
  • being hassled by my new kitten/puppy
  • organising my day and getting my own routine
  • working without disruption
  • wearing my Year 6 bomber jacket for conference calls but leaving my pj pants on
  • helping my younger brother/sister with their spelling
  • reading to my grandparents in Queensland via FaceTime

We genuinely feel that the Year 6 cohort has returned to school for the last weeks of Term 2 with renewed enthusiasm and a positive attitude to schoolwork and relationships with friends and teachers. Thanks to all families who have supported the Year 6 students and staff this term. ❤️The Year 6 Team 😊