PYP Around the School 

We are creeping towards the end of our first units of inquiry and consequently, I thought it would be important today to share some of what is and has been going on within each year level.



For this entire term, the Preps are exploring relationships and belonging. This includes ideas such as different types of relationships, how we can build and maintain friendships, what it means to belong and the fact that we are all welcome as a part of God’s family. Over the last two weeks, the children have been very interested in finding out more about their buddies and considering how having a buddy is different from having a friend your own age. They have also thought about similarities and differences between people and whether people who are different can still be your friend. You can see that as a result of this the students are wondering about language.

The Preps have also been reading lots of books about families, learning the words for different family members in Mandarin and creating artworks to depict their family.

Year 1/2

The Year 1/2s have been exploring the human body, body systems and health. This has involved naming organs and body parts, understanding how different body systems function and the way the system’s functioning connects to our health. Over the past few weeks, the students have investigated different body systems including the digestive system, respiratory system and circulatory system. They have engaged in experiments to find out about the senses and how our senses are related to our nervous system. In the Library, we have read ‘Do Not Lick this Book’ and discussed microbes and the immune system. In Mandarin, the students have learned to name some body parts in Mandarin. In order to promote student inquiry and curiosity, the students have begun to use their wonder wall so that the teachers can plan learning experiences that will help answer their wonderings. Interesting questions so far include: how does our brain work? What part of our body makes us talk? How do bones get better once they are broken? 

Year 3/4

The Year 3/4s have focused on the connection between identity and culture over the past 6 weeks. Recently, they have considered what defines culture and how it is deeper than obvious things like flags, food, and festivals. The students have been active in thinking about their own identity and how that connects to their culture. To end the unit, students brought in an artifact that represented their culture and who they are. These were shared across the 3/4 classes and with the 5/6 students. Within Art, students have created self-portraits using paper cutting. They have tried to select colours and cuts that represent how they see themselves.


Year 5/6

The 5/6  students have undertaken a ‘How the World Works’ unit as their first unit of inquiry. They have explored the connection and interaction between the Earth’s spheres (geosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, etc.). Students have found out about the etymology (word history) of the vocabulary associated with the unit, they thought about the way one act/event (such as the development of a hole in the ozone layer) affects the other spheres and considered how understanding particles helps them understand the sphere’s interactions. For their final task, students created a model that related to one or more of the spheres.  These will be placed around the school for other students to enjoy.