Principal Report

Principal Message Term 1 - Week 7 

2021 is shaping up to be a very big year for our school. Not only is it a school review year, this happens every four years in Catholic Schools, but we are also aiming to complete our primary Years Programme (PYP) candidacy which will result in our school becoming an authorised International Baccalaureate (IB) World school. 


Both the School Review and PYP authorisation processes require our school to undertake a rigorous evaluation of where the school sees itself pedagogically and as an organisation. 


Both reviews will complement each other and whilst the focus of the authorisation process is pedagogically grounded (Learning & Teaching), the School Review will also take into consideration the other spheres within the school improvement framework: Education in Faith, Student Wellbeing, School Community, Leadership and Management. 


Our two days school closure enabled us to complete a requirement of the authorisation process and that is that all teachers must complete a category 1 workshop during candidacy. This workshop, Making the PYP Happen - implementing agency, was scheduled to take place last year but due to COVID-19 we were unable to complete the workshop. 


A major component of our current school improvement plan is the priority we have placed on embedding effective pedagogical practices and ensuring a strong professional learning culture within our school. The workshop covered the learner profile, international mindedness, approaches to learning, trans-disciplinarity, agency for students and teachers. 


Over the course of the two days, we had the opportunity to reflect on where we are currently in our practice, both individually and as a school. It deepened our understanding of how the PYP framework assists and informs learning and teaching and best practice. It also challenged us to identify with and reflect on current research and how we are using this to drive learning and teaching at our school. 


Teachers were thoroughly engaged and found the workshop both inspiring and affirming. Days like this are a wonderful opportunity for us to spend quality time discussing our core business, learning and teaching. The two days allowed us to think deeply, learn from one another and to engage in rich and meaningful dialogue. It was a privilege and honour to have been witness to and a part of such a great and rewarding meeting of minds and expertise. 


As the year progresses, I will keep you informed of how both review processes are developing. It is an exciting time for our school, and we look forward to sharing in the experience with you.