Celebrating student success

Rollin' along
Raga Khan Bhaduri (year 7) competed in the 2021 Artistic Skating Victoria Incorporated (ASVI) competition in roller skating. She participated in the Level 3 Figures taking out second place and the Debut Solo Dance.
Congratulations Raga. This is an exciting sport and artform and we look forward to discovering more about your talents.
Equestrian excellence
Libby Crowther (year 8) has again represented MGSC with her horse Max. This time it was the Victorian Equestrian Schools Series (VEIS) competition. Round 1 was held at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre on Friday 26 February. It was a dressage event and Libby with Max achieved 69% for her test and came third. Well done. What a team!
Share your success
We welcome being able to share the stories of student's achievements and successes in our newsletter or social media. Send the news, with a photo to Jane Garrow, Communications: jane.garrow@education.vic.gov.au