Middle School Report
Welcome to 2021 on behalf of the Middle School team.
We would like to welcome the Year 9 students to the Middle School for the first time, we also wish the Year 10 students a warm welcome back.
It is wonderful to see everyone engaging back at school, even if we are wearing masks in the classrooms. It is very satisfying to see the students socialising and engaging in face-to-face learning. There may be hiccups along the way, no one is sure with Covid 19 but I am sure we will make the best of any situation that arises.
For our Year 10’s we have some exciting guest speakers coming to address you during your Wednesday study period. These study periods have a supervising teacher and are compulsory. If students are absent it will affect their attendance.
Term 1 G.P.A’s will be posted shortly and with that I implore both student and parents to take the opportunity to reflect on the student's learning behaviours. If any parent or student requires follow up, I would ask you to contact the relevant teacher or the Middle School Office to speak with me.
The number of students wearing the correct school uniform in Middle School is very pleasing, thank you to parents and students for supporting the policy. If any family is experiencing difficulties in their child being in full correct uniform, please contact the Middle School office for assistance.
At this time we are unsure if the Middle School Camp will be going ahead or when or where it will be if it does happen, but we will communicate with you as soon as we are able.
Please be reminded that the school needs to be informed regarding all absences or if a student is late or leaving early. Please contact the Middle School office or post on your student's Compass page.
We look forward to a happy and productive 2021 in Middle School.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Manager