Welcome Year 7!

Year 7 students were warmly welcomed by our Year 10 Peer Leaders, Year 12 students, teachers and staff on Friday, 29 January, the first day of classes at our new campus.
Last week, all of Year 7 headed out to Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre to spend a couple of days getting to know each other and learn more about secondary school. The scheduled activities were designed to empower students and provide them with diverse experiences as a foundation of personal wellbeing. Students rotated through five different sessions:
- Rock & Water,
- Bush Walk & Talk,
- Human Rights Talking Circle,
- Wellbeing and Resilience, and
- Drama/Movement/Expression.
All students participated enthusiastically and pushed themselves - both physically and mentally - through some very reflective discussions and practical explorations.
A massive thank you to all staff who volunteered to help us out by running the sessions over the two days, and our wonderful Year 10 Peer Leaders who also came along to help provide food and support for our youngest students.
Ms Eather & Ms Peterson
2021 Year 7 Advisors