Careers with Mrs Hardman

School-based traineeships
Congratulations to Year 11 students Ashley Green, Madi Moran and Molly Evans for successfully securing school-based traineeships with local businesses.
Ashley will combine the study of a Certificate II in Business Services and on-the-job training at the ANZ Bank whilst completing her HSC. Thank you ANZ, Apprenticeship Support Australia, Glen Ella and the AFL Sports Ready team for supporting and providing Ashley with this exciting opportunity.
Madi will combine the study of a Certificate III in Fitness and on-the-job training at F45 whilst completing her HSC. Thank you Connie, the F45 team and Apprenticeship Support Australia for supporting and providing Madi with this exciting opportunity.
Molly will combine the study of a Certificate III in Human Services - Nursing and on-the-job training at HNEH, Armidale Rural Referral Hospital, whilst completing her HSC. Thank you Armidale Rural Referral Hospital, TAFE New England and Apprenticeship Support Australia for supporting and providing Molly with this exciting opportunity.
Well done!
University Roadshow
Get ready for the University Roadshow, which will be visiting ASC on 23rd February! All Year 12 students are required to attend.
Representatives from the University of New England, Southern Cross University, University of Newcastle and Charles Sturt University will provide a presentation to students covering:
- the admissions process – deciding on courses, UAC/QTAC, dates and alternative entry;
- career destinations and work experience – get more than just a degree;
- accommodation options – on campus/off campus, catering, costs, support;
- financial considerations – HECS/HELP, additional study costs, scholarships;
- university life – making the most of your university experience, how university life differs from school, how to be successful at university.
A formal presentation of approximately 30 minutes duration will be followed by a mini exhibition, providing students with an opportunity to collect information and ask specific questions of the university representatives.
Mrs Hardman
Careers Advisor
SBAT Coordinator | TVET Coordinator