Welcome to Week 7, it’s hard to believe we’re running into the end of the term already! This week in the library, Kindergartens are learning that Fiction is organised in alphabetical order by an author’s surname and reading Kylie Howarth’s ‘Chip’ about a mischievous seagull, they’ll love it!
Stage 1 are reading one of Graeme Bases’ most popular books, ‘Animalia’ and learning to create an alliteration sentence for a funny animal (just like Graeme Base). We’re going to be using an iPad to add this sentence to a photo and I’m looking forward to sharing these with you soon.
In Stage 2, we’re learning to look for clues on a front cover by using Alison Lester’s ‘Running With Horses’ to see if we can predict what the story will be about. This beautiful story is quite different to Lester’s usual style and is much longer, so we’ll be reading this over two weeks. So far, there’s been some fantastic ideas, I wonder who will predict correctly?
Finally, Stage 3 are learning how Graphic Novels use sound effects to create atmosphere and replace words that would normally be text. We are learning about onomatopoeia and are now drawing some favourite sound effects like boom, zap, pow, shaboom.
And for secondary, it’s still all about chess trials at lunch but also the game ‘Spot It’. They’re loving it.
Check out Tom and Fergus' book they've created. It has pride of place on the circulation desk for everyone to enjoy.
Scholastic Book Club
Yesterday, the first Scholastic Book Club catalogue went home with your child for 2021. Scholastic offers families an opportunity to purchase books for their children while also helping the school library. For every book sold, the library receives a credit that we use to buy more books for your children to enjoy. Please note that you don’t need to buy from Book club, it is an optional program. This year we’re hoping that all families will use the online ordering system called LOOP rather than send in cash and a paper order. If you’re not able to order online, please ensure that you send in the correct amount of money with your order.
Initially, you will need to register with Scholastic via LOOP, then you place your order. Instructions to register & order are below and also on the school’s Facebook page. CLOSING DATES FOR ORDERS IS NEXT WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 2021. Thank you for your support of the Book Club and if you have any queries, please let me know.
Book Club Catalogue -
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Last week, notes for the PRC went home with students with the challenge beginning on the 1/3/2021.The PRC is not a competition but a challenge to each student - to read, to read more and to read more widely. For students who have participated before, your username and password remain the same and I will be uploading new students by the end of the week. All participating students will receive their login and password information early next week (I’m waiting to get the bulk of permission notes in so I can do one print out of letters). This year, both Kindergarten classes will be participating at school but feel free to read stories to them at home too. For book lists and rules, visit the PRC website at:
2020 CBCA Notable Books
Last week, the 2021 Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable Books List was announced and acknowledged the best Australian books released over the previous twelve months. The good news is, we have most of these books in our library already and will be reading some of them in the coming months. To view the full list, visit here.
Dr Seuss Day - 2nd March 2021
Last week we celebrated the fabulous books from Dr Seuss by finishing our library lesson with some of his stories. I had forgotten how much fun it was to read ‘Green Eggs and Ham’!
Happy reading,
Mrs Toni Fraser