2S Class Liturgy
On Friday 2S celebrated their class liturgy with all Stage One students as well as their families. The liturgy was based on the story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was not a popular man because he was a tax collector and he took more of the people’s money than he should have. However, when Jesus came along, he reached out to Zacchaeus and even asked to eat in his home. After this interaction with Jesus, Zacchaeus had a change of heart and changed his ways. We also have the chance to change our ways, especially during this Lenten season.
Well done 2S on your well prepared liturgy and thank you to all those who were able to attend.
Christian Living Days
Yesterday and today, Year 7 and Year 10 students participated in the Christian Living Days run by the Lasallian Youth Ministry team. Both groups participated fully in the days and are to be commended for their involvement both in large and small group activities. Thank you to the team for coming to HTS to work with our students.
Year 10 Mass
This Friday Year 10 will lead a Mass focusing on the Season of Lent. Mass will begin at 9:15am at Sacred Heart Church. Families a friends welcome.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on the weekend of the 29/30 of May. Information sessions will be held for a family member of students in Year 6 who will be making the sacrament this year. Students do not need to attend and families only need to attend once. The dates and times are:
16 March - 6pm at SHC
17 March - 1pm at SHC
Students at HTS will begin preparation for this sacrament next term.
Holy Week Schedule for Sacred Heart Church Inverell
Palm Sunday
Sat Vigil 27 March - 6pm
Sun 28 March - 9am
Holy Thursday
Thursday 1 April - 6pm Last Supper Mass
Good Friday
Friday 2 April - 9am Stations of the Cross
- 3pm Veneration of the Cross
Holy Saturday
Saturday 3 April - 6pm Vigil Mass
- 7:30pm Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday
Sunday 4 April - 9am Easter Sunday Mass
For the Calendar
Term 1 2021
8 March - Year 10 CLD
9 March - Year 7 CLD
12 March - Year 10 Mass 9:15am
16 March - Confirmation Information Session 6pm at SHC
17 March - Confirmation Information
Session 1pm at SHC
19 March - 3/4M Mass 9:15am
- Feast of St Joseph
24 March - Harmony Day
29 March - Year 5 CLD
30 March - Year 6 CLD
1 April - Holy Thursday
- Last Day of Term 1
2 April - Good Friday
4 April - Easter Sunday
Enjoy the week,
Mary-Jane Guest
Religious Education Coordinator