Catholic Identity

Project Compassion- Caritas AUSTRALIA
RAISING MONEY for CARITAS Australia ~ Compassion into Action
Whole School – SOLIDARITY WALK for Caritas
Tuesday March 23rd
On Tuesday 23rd March, the children are taking part in an awareness raising and solidarity action where they will have the opportunity to ‘walk in the shoes’ of 80% of the world who walk rather they drive in a car and have to carry water, food and all other supplies for daily life.
'We are asking the children for a GOLD COIN DONATION for CARITAS'
Further details to follow. The students will walk laps of the oval with buckets of sand to experience the feeling of carrying water as some children do in less fortunate countries.
'Many women and children in rural Africa walk 6 km to collect water and carry
up to 20kg of water on their heads during each walking trip'.
This year the theme of Project Compassion is
“Be More”
Saint Oscar Romero is our inspiration for Project Compassion 2021, so in his words, let’s “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”
Catholic Identity Year 6 Leadership Team
The Catholic Identity Year 6 Leadership Team have been committed to raising awareness and funds for Caritas.
They have used their Wednesday Leadership afternoons to deliver speeches and posters with students and teachers across the school about Caritas and our call of the Gospel to create a more fair world.