Endeavour House News

Wow, where did the term go? It feels like we just got back from the January holidays and the term is over.  Since the last Boarding Buzz most of our Endeavour girls have been going to the beach every Sunday afternoon.  Mrs Freeman has also taken the girls out on some fun outings on the weekends.


This week we went out for dinner with the Year Nine girls to Middleton Beach for fish and chips and pizza on Tuesday and with the Year Eight group to Due South for pizza on Wednesday. These evenings are always an enjoyable relaxed time together. The Year Seven girls had previously enjoyed a Due South pizza night earlier in the term. 


Recently I have been talking with the girls in our morning meetings about teen tips. The latest article from Linda Stade has these tips:

  1. Get rid of the shoulds – It advises teens to lose the word 'should' as it can induce anxiety and discontent.
  2. Be brave enough to be you – be authentic.
  3. Write your own narrative – choose to follow your own story.
  4. Shine light on others – you don’t lose anything when someone else does well.
  5. Use your social capital for good – go out of your way to choose kind.

Although the girls give me some teen looks and I see a few eye rolls, I hope that some of these words of wisdom, from researched sources, help them to be themselves. Middle School can be such a difficult time, your girls have so much to give and I hope we can get them to appreciate this. 

I try to keep up to date with the latest info on teens and this week I read Justin Coulson’s (who has six daughters!) newest book Miss-Connection. It’s worth a read! The whole gist of it is that our teenage girls are looking for connection. I hope that you have the time, energy and capacity to connect with your lovely daughters these holidays. It’s certainly what I intend to do.


Next term we will start ‘Crafternoons’ on Sunday afternoon. The weather is not as nice in Term Two, so it’s a great opportunity to do some craft together on a Sunday afternoon when I come on shift with those who are interested. They hand in their phones at 4.00pm on the weekend and it’s good to have something to do together. This weekend the girls made some slime with Sienna. 

Happy birthday to Xanthe O'Neill (14) and Amy Medway (13) who celebrated their birthdays early in March. 


Get ready for Term Two, it’s usually very busy with winter sport. This year Term Two is eleven weeks long with the closed weekend at the end of Week Seven. I look forward to seeing you all back at GSG soon.


Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Endeavour House