Deputy News

Dear Sacred Heart families, 

It has been an absolute pleasure to stand on the gate every morning with Mr Collis to welcome our students and families into our school. There is certainly a buzz in the community and a sense of hope with some very happy faces from parents and students as we start the school year. We give a very warm welcome to Mr Collis to Sacred Heart. We have had a wonderful, positive start to 2022 and I would like to thank him for his guidance, positivity and warmth as he makes some gentle changes to improve our school. The teachers were working extremely hard in the holidays to create inviting learning environments for their students and I thank them for their dedication and professionalism. I have loved getting into the classrooms this week and seeing the students settle in to their new classes with their new teachers. The new prep students have impressed me so much. There is something very exciting in starting a new school year. 


My role as Deputy Principal is to support Mr Collis and the staff and students in the organisation of the school, to support staff in their classrooms with teaching and learning, and to work closely with the leadership team. 


I am also the Diversity leader so I oversee the students with special needs across our school. If you are ever concerned about your child please don't hesitate to come and see me, my door is always open, but please go to their classroom teacher first. There maybe some students who are are feeling a little overwhelmed or anxious about returning to school after some unsettling years. I have a few suggestions on how to navigate this with students or parents that are feeling unsure.


See you on the gate, 

Brigid Pennington

Deputy Principal , Learning Diversity & 

English Leader

 Also as we start a new year students and parents will be very tired getting back into a routine, so please look after yourselves, ensure your children get enough sleep and down time and recharge on the weekends as best you can. 

Another part of my role is being the English leader, so I oversee the literacy programs in the school. The teachers have worked tirelessly to test the students last Monday and if your child wasn't tested they will have by now or will be in the coming days, so we know exactly where they are at with their reading, so we know exactly what to teach them. There are many new and exciting programs on the horizon that we are investigating with Mr Collis. If you can do anything with your children it is to set up a night time routine and read to them no matter their age. It creates a love of literacy and a special bond with you and your child. 


'Reading to your children is one of the most valuable things you can do for them. If you can possibly do it, try to fit some story reading into your busy schedule. The benefits are enormous.' 

Paul Jennings 'The Reading bug and how you can help your child to catch it. 

Precious time
Precious time