Building Updates


The MFG Buildings & Grounds Committee are excited to announce a new build on the main MFG site, and it is due to start early in 2022.


The approved works are to construct a Covered Building to house lockers on the south-west corner of the school on the LaTrobe Terrace and Myers Street corner. This ‘Locker Shelter’ would adjoin the Embling Wing.


This is a very exciting and much awaited for resource for our students to enjoy their lockers undercover which will result in protection from the weather and improve the security of our lockers and their contents.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Buildings and Grounds Committee; Tanya Hahne, Stuart Myers, Susan Ryan and Matilda Messer; for their time and work over 2021.


Jeremy Dyson

Mr Jeremy Dyson
Mr Jeremy Dyson