Clubs at MFG: What's been on in 2021!

Lunchtime activities - Join in the fun!
Here are are our latest photos from Craft club... this well-attended Club runs on Mondays and Fridays in the MFG Library. The Term 4 activity was Polymer clay jewellery making.
Updated Weekly - Here are some of the activities that were on offer at MFG! The weekly offerings and schedule were posted on Compass every Monday.
Circle of Friends Book Club Wednesday (Zoom avail.)
Literary Legends Classics Book Group Thursday (Zoom avail.)
MFG History and Archives Club (Terms 1, 2 and 4)
VCE Philosophy Club
Poetry and Creative Writing Club 'The Weird Sisters'
Craft Club - Mondays and Fridays
Chess Club
Languages and Multicultural Club
Board Games Club
Drama Club
MFG Stand Out Club
Yoga Club
VCE Homework Help Clubs - English and Maths - see Compass.
Creativity Club
Teen Health & Wellbeing Club
Public Speaking & Debating Club
See the Librarian in the Library if you have ideas for new clubs or if you are unsure of where to go! Check out the big MFG Clubs display in the stairwell in Embling building, Main Campus. There's something for everyone!