Celebrating Our Amazing Year 12s
Year 12 Celebration Day
With the fears of COVID circulating in high numbers in our community and potentially disrupting the VCE examinations, the class of 2021 was forced to finish earlier than originally planned. This meant that the usual things like a final time with Prep buddies or a final assembly and a celebration fun day were not able to happen before the students left school to begin studying for examinations.
When restrictions began to ease, we took the opportunity to plan a post exams celebration day. This day was intended to be simply fun and games.
It began with a scavenger hunt where the graduates worked with their Prep buddies to hunt for various items of interest around the school. They all then enjoyed a delicious morning tea together with fairy bread, fruit and chips – yummy party food.
After morning tea, the graduates were able to tackle their teachers in Bubble Soccer and other games too, before then enjoying more food with a delicious barbecue and salads prepared by Mrs Morris at the school café.
Overall, a great day of celebrating our graduating class of 2021 was had by all who were able to come along.
Natalie Farmer
VCE Coordinator
Valedictory Dinner
What a privilege it was to be able to actually have an in person Valedictory Dinner to celebrate the end of the school journey for our Class of 2021.
The Valedictory event this year was held at Sky High, Mt Dandenong. It's nice to see how St Andrews Year 12 cohorts have now outgrown the venue we had used in previous years.
The students of the class of 2021 have had a very tough two years of their VCE. They missed their Formal event two years running and had the majority of their learning online. Yet they pressed on to the finish line and had a positive end.
The Valedictory event celebrates not only the end of the journey for the students, but also for the parents who have tirelessly supported their students. They have driven them here, there and everywhere, they have supported them when the stress has become overwhelming. They have prayed for them, loved them, comforted them and cheered them on. To all parents of all students of the graduating class of 2021, we salute you.
To the students of the graduating class of 2021, we salute you. We pray God’s continued blessing and favour to be upon you all as you now embark on the next leg of your life journeys.
Natalie Farmer
VCE Coordinator
Gravitate 2021
Gravitate is a single year VET course giving students the vocational qualification of Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology.
The course is provided by Youth Dimensions which is a part of Eastern College. Classes are held here at St Andrews.
On Friday 26th of November we were pleased to have our Gravitate teacher Maddy Ellis and the Gravitate coordinator Jenny Ayton come into school to celebrate the graduation of our class of 2021 and to meet with our class of 2022.
The course is a great way to learn more about the Bible and grow in faith and love for God. Students get to make lasting friendships with those in their group and, through camps and outreach, can also build new friendships with others while sharing their faith in practical ways.
Natalie Farmer
VCE Coordinator
Video Game Challenge
During April this year, selected students were invited to take place in the 2021 Video Game Challenge. Year 8 students Sam Bird, Stephanie Gear and Summer-Joy Wong created a game called “Command Captain”, which advanced to the final round of judging.
The students were commended for their game description, which was very interesting and made the adjudicators keen to play the game. The visuals of the game were colourful and suited the target audience really well. The controls of the game were described as “very smooth”, with no issues. Judges were impressed by the terminal mechanic and found it a great addition.
The enthusiastic team went straight into planning for next year’s Challenge, by analysing all the 2021 winners. They have already started developing their entry for 2022, with many plans for improvement on this year’s effort.
Congratulations to this eager team, and all success for the 2022 Video Game Challenge!
Mrs Christa Cloete
Team Mentor
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (VPRC) is a compulsory reading program for all our Year 7 and 8 students and is part of the English Curriculum.
The Challenge aims to develop a love for reading and improve our students’ literacy skills, in addition to promoting a reading culture in school and at home.
We are proud of our students who participated in the Reading Challenge and completed a minimum of 15 books. Our top reader, Summer had read a total of 124 books!
Mr Nick Wakeling, State Member for Ferntree Gully, made a special visit to the school, to congratulate our top VPRC readers.
Mr Wakeling then stayed on to have a conversation with a few other ardent readers who participated enthusiastically in the Reading Challenge.
Congratulations to all our students who participated in the 2021 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Keep on Reading!
Rajes Krishnan
Secondary School Teacher
Foot Loose Flash Mob Dancers!
Year 8 students had a fun time shaking it all out after the exams. Swinging and swaying to the beat, students grooved and moved to some fancy dance routines.
Well done and Keep on Dancing!
Rajes Krishnan & Matthew Adamek
Year 8 Homeroom Teachers