Second Hand Uniform Shop
The second hand uniform shop will be open on Friday 28th January 2022 from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
It will also open during the first week of Term 1 2022.
February 2022
Tuesday 1st 9:15 to 11:00am
Wednesday 2nd 9:15 to 11:00am & 2:30 - 3:30pm
Thursday 3rd 9:15 to 11:00am
Friday 4th 9:15 to 11:00am
For more information, contact the front office on 8847 8300
Black Dog Fundraiser - One Step Forward
Eight of our wonderful St Andrews staff members came together and formed a team called, “The Saints Team” who participated in the Black Dog Institute, One Step Forward fundraiser.
Altogether Mrs Darlison, Mrs Tay, Miss Elliott, Mrs Wheelton, Mrs Hughes, Miss Nheu, Mrs Pillifeant and Mrs van Heerden raised $3278.00.
Between us we covered 694 kms. Well done to those teachers who supported such a worthy and relevant cause!
Congratulations Tom - Fencing Victoria Club Challenge
St Andrews would like to congratulate Tom Lyu of 4C who participated in the Fencing Victoria Club Challenge's State Competition throughout November.
St Andrews are pleased to share that Tom won two Medals for his efforts:
1. U-9 Mixed Foil - Bronze Medal
on date 14th-Nov-2021
2. U-11 Boy's Foil - Silver Medal
on date 21st-Nov-2021.
Well done Tom, what a fantastic achievement!
Spring Mini Competition
Five teams from our club started playing the ‘Spring Mini’ Competition from the 13th November. The players have been enjoying getting back into training and playing together and improving their fitness. The last game for the season is 11th December.
Winter 2022 Season Registrations are now open!
Click on this link to register - St Andrews Netball Club
Please fill out the form to express your interest in being a part of the 2022 Winter Netball Competition. Unfortunately filling out the form does not guarantee a position in a team.
Priority will go to those who already play for the club and then followed by a 'first in' best dressed policy. You will be contacted and offered a place via email by mid-January 2022.
Calling Netball Parents
If you would like to join the St Andrews Netball Board, please contact Lauren at to express your interest.
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President
PFA News
It is with heavy hearts that we extend our condolences to the Beovich family on the passing of our friend, and brother in Christ, Shaun Beovich. Shaun was a committee member and President of the PFA for many years and served the school community through many activities.
Although much of 2021 was spent in lockdown and remote learning, the PFA are thankful for the support of parents who volunteered at the Open Day, and House Cross Country events, Andrew Musgrove together with his team of volunteers who help out at Icy Pole Fridays, and Kara Beovich who ran the Second Hand Uniform Shop.
Finally, I would like to thank Andrew O’Brien for faithfully serving as President of the PFA for the past 4 years.
As we move into 2022, we are trusting that God is in control as we reflect upon God’s Sovereignty through the verses in Colossians 1:16-17 –
For in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
In Christ’s love,
Thomas Chong
PFA President
2022 PFA Executive Committee
President: Thomas Chong
Vice President: Sally Wade
Secretary: Tim Burger
Treasurer: Eric Chen