VCAA End of Year Exams

The VCAA end of year examinations began on Wednesday, 27th October and we are extremely proud of the way our VCE students have been “Striving for Excellence.” Our students have demonstrated our school values of perseverance and commitment in their overall preparation and approach to these exams.


During SWOT VAC, there were many students who utilised our VCE building to complete collaborative study and definitely gave our whiteboards a work out! We were blown away by how many students came in to complete practice exams in exam conditions and work one-on-one with their teachers. Many of our dedicated Year 12 teachers also ran Study Halls (revision workshops) as a way of supporting our students to revise before the exams and they were quite impressed with the attendance at these.


So far, the exams are running very smoothly and our students have been walking into the exam room with a growth mindset and a determination to try their best. Our Year 11 students, who are completing a Year 12 subject, have been a little nervous however, have shown great courage and have appreciated the opportunity to accelerate their studies. As we approach the end of the exam timetable, we have Year 12 students who are extremely excited to be finishing their program and have been celebrating on the way out of their last exam.

Congratulations to all our students on the completion of their Year 12 subjects!






Melissa Foresio

Senior School Leading Teacher