College Matters

Family Financial Contributions
The Family Financial Contributions will be sent out next week. There has been a slight delay due to changes being made to the Compass Parent Payment portal.
Contributions can be made in three instalments:
Instalment | Due date |
1 - 40% of total | 8 December 2021 |
2 - 30% of total | 9 February 2022 |
3 - 30% of total | 6 April 2022 |
Financial contributions from our families are vital to the quality of the education experience we provide. Preparations for the 2022 are underway. Securing payments before the end of the financial year will give us confidence to proceed with delivering the exciting program planned for next year.
Individual payment plans can be arranged. Please contact the General Office.
User Pay Activities
Payment is required now for a number of optional events, activities, and programs for 2022. These include, Instrumental Music Program, year 12 Conference, year 9 and 10 Outdoor Education electives and VET electives.
Please make payment promptly, as only those that have paid can participate.
Camps, Sports, Excursions Funding (CSEF) is applicable to all events. Please contact the accounts receivable team at the general office if you wish to have CSEF allocated to a particular event.
Families experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to contact the General Office.
General Office - 8.15am to 4.15pm school days
9581 5200 or
Kelly Lloyd-Vanni
Business Manager
Environment week
Environment week runs from Monday 13 December to Thursday 17 December. There are no schedule classes. The school offers an alternative program where students can assist with environment duties until lunchtime and view a film in the afternoon.
- Students are to dress in casual clothes, with enclosed footwear (eg runners). Clothing should be suitable for completing tasks around the college (under teacher supervision).
- Each day will commence at 9am and students will be dismissed at 3pm.
- Students are to report to Room 2 each morning at 8.55am.
- The canteen will not be open so students will need to bring their own recess snack and lunch. Students will not be permitted to leave school grounds to purchase food.
- Recess (10.15am to 10.30am) and lunch (Noon to 1pm) will be held in the canteen quadrangle.
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal
Support for your kids to get active
Does your child love sport and being active? Does your family have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card? You may be eligible for up to $200 to put towards the cost of your child’s participation in physical activities. As children return to sport over the coming months, the Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities.
Under the program, children may be eligible to receive up to $200 to help with the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms, and equipment.
The program also provides a special consideration stream to support children residing in care services as well as temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students.
Applications for vouchers in round three of the program close at 5pm Tuesday 30 November. For eligibility requirements and to apply, visit the Get Active Victoria website.
Aerobics program sponsorship
The Aerobics program is seeking sponsors to support the students in 2022. Interested and want to know more? Please contact the Program Coordinator, Tess Molina:
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The application for 2022 funding is now available for eligible families.