Ministry and Care

Pastor Peter Janetzki

Solitude is the dream of frazzled people – time alone, time to be, time out, time to get things together again.  So we plan for some time away, maybe watching the ocean at sunset, with a glass of our favourite beverage, soft music and no phone.  


Chances are, however, that after a day or two, we’ll probably feel bored and look for something to read or watch or talk about.  And then we begin to think about emails or our work or our garden.  Just being alone is not enough.  It’s not sufficient to get away from things; it’s what you get towards, that recharges a frazzled life.  


Like each of us, Jesus needed time away from the demands placed on him by his friends and the people he reached out to – time to be still, to listen, to be renewed – by his heavenly Father.  


Stillness is at its best when it reconnects us with the author of life: God.  That way, all our other moments can be sustained by God’s grace in Jesus.  


Jesus went out of town to a lonely place, where he prayed.  Mark 1:35