School News

Year 6 German Lunch

Last Friday, the Year 6 students celebrated their 7 years of learning German at BHPS. We had a fabulous time at The German Club Tivoli, which was formed over 150 years ago, to preserve the German cultural traditions, language and social club life.

We ate a delicious meal, starting with huge freshly 

baked pretzels. Many students tried sauerkraut and 

rotkohl for the first time….and really liked it! Also popular

was the chicken schnitzel and finally, the scrumptious 

apfel strudel and cream. Lecker! (Yum!)

The entertainment provided by piano-accordian player 

and singer Chris, and German Club president Dieter ranged

from traditional German songs to the kids favorites from 

school. The karaoke singing was a great way to finish our

celebration, with a great soundtrack of songs made by Levi, (6K) and enjoyed by us all.


On behalf of the Year 6 teachers, I would like to congratulate the students on their outstanding behaviour and enthusiasm. The restaurant staff were so impressed with them all. We had a wonderful time sharing this special occasion with them! Gut gemacht! Judy Goulding





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