Pupil of the Week, 

Term 4

Watch us shine

Congratulations to the students of Kalinda who demonstrate our School Values of Kindness, Resilience and Respect; and have been awarded a Pupil of the Week this fortnight. 






2 December 2021





Eddie H - for your thoughtfulness, generosity and care towards all members of our class.

Zia D - for your attentive listening to your peers and during class discussion times.


Sarah A - for the empathy and care you show towards others. You always put a smile on peoples faces. 

Abby M - for your dedication in our writing sessions, you’re always working on improving your writing. Well done! 

Layla O - for your dedication in learning your Hot Words and working on your reading. I’m proud of you! 


Emmett - for transitioning back into on-site learning like a champion, you have been resilient and persistent with your work and your peers. Well done!

Blake S - for always demonstrating attentive listening and respect towards your teachers, friends and peers. Amazing work!

Heidi T - for showing your caring side to 1R, you are always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Thank you!


Mia H - for always working to the best of your ability and being such a great role model for your friends.

Zac J - for working hard on his explanation text writing and making big improvements in his handwriting.


Ben K- for extending his explanation text writing by adding in lots of descriptive details.

Brodie- for always demonstrating kindness and respect to your peers. You're amazing. 


Ethan P - for making excellent, positive choices that have enabled him and his classmates to be ready to learn.

Annabelle T - for writing an amazing story, full of vivid description.

Alex G - for always demonstrating attentive listening and respect towards his teachers, friends and peers.


Darby F: For your improved neat handwriting. Keep up the great work. 

Lillyana D: For writing a detailed fairytale with some excellent word choices. 

3HEloise L - for working out the dice problem game and why the rules favoured one player over the other. Well done!! 

Layla. H

Layla for her outstanding performance as the Evil Queen in our Reader’s theatre. You're a Star !

Sophie. M for your outstanding passion and enthusiasm you bring to the role of Narrator in our Reader’s Theatre.

Katherine . K

for your outstanding passion and enthusiasm you bring to the role of Narrator and Director in our Reader’s Theatre.


Siara H - For researching and presenting an awesome information poster all about the tropical climate zones of Australia.

Sam O - For always sharing your amazing writing in the Author’s Chair with vibrant energy and expression.

Ethan H - For all your amazing effort this year, especially in maths. You have excelled when given challenges!

Jose - For the empathy and kindness you always show to others. You always fill others' buckets with kindness!


Caitlin W - For demonstrating courage at school when put into unfamiliar situations.

Kaiya H - For showing amazing resilience everyday at school. What a great role model.

5/6DSam W- for having the strength to be sensible and for always setting an example for everyone around him. 

Rebecca Z - For being a conscientious and studious member of our class. Well done!

Alice O - For being a zestful and exuberant member of our class. You can bring a smile to anyone's face! 

Blake G - For being an enthusiastic and passionate member of our class. We love the energy you bring to all activities!


Harry J- For working so hard on creating a great School Captain speech.

Harry H- For being such a kind and thoughtful friend to all the members of our class.