REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support in our Socktober fundraising for Catholic Mission Month. We raised $523 for vulnerable children and their families in Thailand. 


Our Socktober event afternoon was a huge success for our students, with class liturgies, Catholic Mission Month activities and our Soccer Shootout with our sock balls. A special congratulations to our award recipients for their commitment and team spirit during our activities.


I would like to congratulate our Junior Joeys: Jillian Cruickshank, Lacey Maxwell, Lukah Bass, Reggie Graham, Bradley Hatton, Ava Collet, Polly Carolan, Jiaying Knight, Phebe Hamblin, Amelia Hopman, Brock Allen, Charlie Haire and Max Vogel on their leadership in preparing and facilitating our Socktober Shoot Out. 



First Holy Communion

On Sunday 14th November, some of our Year 3 and 4 students will be participating in their Rite of Enrolment for The Sacrament of the Eucharist (First Holy Communion). The Mass will take place at St. Andrew’s Church at 10 am. 


The following students are preparing to receive their sacrament: Ellis Allen, Sophie Crutcher, Xavier Edwards, Reggie Graham, Jacoby Trindall, Noel Simpson, Lachlan Stewart, Edee Towns, Quinn Towns, Hillary Thorne and Finn Woolcock.


Our Sacrament of the Eucharist Mass will take place on Sunday 28th November at 10 am. Please keep these students in your prayers as they prepare to receive this sacrament.

Sunday 14 NovemberFirst Communion Rite of Enrolment Mass 10 am @ St Andrew’s Catholic Church
Sunday 28 NovemberFirst Holy Communion 10 am @ St Andrew’s Catholic Church
Tuesday 30 NovemberSt Andrew’s Feast Day
Monday 13 DecemberEnd of Year Mass (TBA, COVID Restrictions)

May God Bless You,


Karlee Hatton

Religious Education Coordinator