School Report 

Virtual Tour

Access to the School by Parents

To access the building and go inside, parents will need to prove to the office that they have had at least one dose of vaccination and are booked in for a second. After November 29th only double vaccinated parents will be allowed into the school buildings.  Whenever parents enter the school buildings, they will be required to QR code and wear a mask. These are Government requirements that we believe will be in place for at least most of 2022.

Parent Voluntary Contribution and Book Pack Information for 2022

Launching Place Primary School is very proud of all our students and our excellent curriculum programs that we have in place 2022, we look forward to a great year of teaching and learning in 2022.

Parent Voluntary Contribution and Book Pack Information for 2022 has been released on compass. Please contact the office If you have not received the information. 

2022 Booklists have already opened, last day for ordering is Friday 17th December 2021. 



Face Masks are a requirement for students from grade 3-6 to wear inside at school. Please can you ensure your child brings there own mask to school. Prep-2 students it is not compulsory for them to wear a mask but it is recommended.  The school is happy to provide for the odd student who forgets or their mask breaks at school.

Thank you for your support.


Breakfast Club will run every Thursday starting at 8.10 am until 8.40 am 

Prep Transition

We have been very lucky to have our Future preps in the classroom.  They had a lovely time getting to know each other and making new friends and getting to know Miss Mackie.

Year 6 Graduation

The Grade 6 Graduation Evening will take place at Launching Place Primary School, on Wednesday 15th December 2021, commencing at 6pm (with students to arrive no later than 5:50pm).As with most things this year, the night will run a little bit differently. In order to allow parents, family and friends to attend the ceremony we will be having it outside on the netball courts. Should the weather not allow for this to happen the ceremony will take place indoors and will be live streamed, so you will still be able to see your graduates special evening. The link to the ceremony will be sent out via Compass at 5pm on the night of graduation.  (Please note this may change at any time due to changes to Covid restrictions etc.) The night will run as follows: 5:50pm Graduate arrival 6:00pm Ceremony commences 7:15pm Dinner for students and select LPPS staff followed by disco and ice-cream truck visit! 9pm Graduation concludes.


Prep- 2 Swimming

What a great opportunity for the prep-2's to prepare for the summer season and help them become more water safe. This program is all about safety in and around water venues.