Student Work, Outdoor Ed and Excursions

Year 10 Media

That's a wrap for the challenging year that has been 2021. 


Cheltenham Media students across years 9 to11 have had their share of altered and reorganised production tasks and curriculum outcomes, our students rose above the obstacles of remote learning and managed to create some very unique and special productions to see the year out on a high!  I would like to share with you, our community, one creation, in particular, that has knocked my socks off. This is a montage created by Mattan Amler of year 10. 


Mattan took it upon himself to edit together bits of content created by students in class as well as remotely throughout the semester. This was a complete surprise, and luckily we were able to screen it in our last class on the 25th November.  Have a look at what our year 10, Semester 2 Media students got up to. 



Remember to keep your eyes out for a very exciting 2022, with two VCE Unit 1 & 2 classes as well as a Unit 3&4 class back after a break in '21. 


I have set my unit 3&4 students some homework of research for their productions that will be created later in 2022, I look forward to seeing the brilliant ideas that are germinating after they have a well-earned break. 


Mrs Annelise Scott

Art & Media Studies.

Wood Tech

It has been a busy Term 4 in Wood Tech after returning from remote learning. 


Here are some examples of great projects completed by Year 10 students. 


Shoe rack
Coffee table
Shoe rack
Coffee table
Coffee table
Coffee table

Year 9 Outdoor Ed

The Year 9 Outdoor Education class has been extremely busy this semester. From completing backyard adventures and campouts at home during lockdown to having cooking sessions at school and going surfing and rock climbing, nothing has seemed out of reach for this class. 


Students have pushed themselves outside of their comfort zones and have participated fully in every outdoor experience to the best of their ability. Although this semester has been interrupted by COVID, the class has excelled in their leadership skills, safety in the outdoors, and, most importantly, being able to recognise the importance of sustainable interactions with the outdoor environment. Students should be commended for their efforts and their notable development over the course of the semester. Well done to everyone involved!

Year 9 PFR Excursions

Mr Collings has been busy taking his students on fun excursions.


They have been doing self-defence and boxing classes, spin classes and had an awesome time at Bounce too!