Primary News

with Mrs Audrey Brown

Just a little information for you all regarding the beginning of next year. In 2021 we have a number of staff changes and we are excited to be welcoming new faces! 


The beginning of the school year can be a time of anxiety for some. Our advice is to turn this nervous energy into a positive. When you speak about the new year, refer to how exciting it is on the first day to find out who your teachers and classmates will be. Our students, more than ever need to be supported to face challenges with a positive outlook. Our job is to walk beside them and model and demonstrate that outlook. Down play the fears and replace them with a positive! A normal drop off will help your child as well. We often see an escalation in emotion when children’s loved ones are around, my own children are exactly the same!


Students in Years 1-6 will return on Friday 29th of January. Upon arrival they will put their bag outside their old classroom.


New students in Years 1-6 will come to the main office to get their free school hat and meet with Mrs Brown.    


Kindergarten will have their first day of school on Monday 1st of February.

Please ensure all student items are labelled.


In your child’s report card there will be a list of resources required for the beginning of the school year. These will be school streamed for new parents.


The office phone will be manned on Wednesday 27th January from 11:15am – 1:45pm and Thursday 28th January from 11:15am-12:30pm and again from 1:45am- 3pm for new enrolments or to notify us if your child is not returning.


We have a new wellbeing program coming in next year, extra small group wellbeing programs, lunch time clubs are being staffed and an increase in small group intensive lessons for students K-6. Sport is back as well as all the other amazing extra-curricular opportunities. A lot to look forward to!


On behalf of the Primary staff, we hope you have a safe and happy holiday season and thank you all for being an amazingly supportive community.