Environmental Programs

ISO-EcoBrick Structure December 2020

Students got together this week to design and build our ISO-EcoBrick structure which the College community has been working on all year. It was decided that a circle-shaped planter box near the Yarning Fire Circle near the Kitchen Garden Centre is the perfect spot for the structure as it is a communal area used regularly that will also be protected to ensure longevity of the structure. An article about Aitken’s ISO-EcoBrick journey has been published in the Journal of Environmental Education Victoria (see reference below). Next year, a plaque will be designed to communicate the significance of the structure and what it means to the Aitken Community in relation to the challenging year we have faced and overcome. It will be great to have a long-lasting structure to commemorate how this year has enabled us to make EcoBricks at home…which has brought us together, even while being apart. 



Herron, C (2020). ISO-EcoBricks at Aitken College: bringing us together while apart. Eingana; The Journal of EEV, 43(2). [November 2020 publication]

Ms Cristy Herron

Head of Environmental Programs