Principal's Message

Newsletter 20


Tuesday 15th December 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


This is our last newsletter of the year. As we close the school year and we reflect on the different experiences of 2020 I would like to focus on some positives that we can take from the year?


Many staff and students have shared that they realise the importance of family life, of going slower and appreciating the simple things we can do together like sharing a walk. We’ve realised the value of celebrating together with family and friends. This year revealed the strength of our school culture and the relationships we have with each other. Jackson School has created something special where staff, students and the wider community feel a sense of belonging. I am very proud of the way our whole school community worked together in partnership to get through the challengers of 2020. 


CONGRATULATIONS to our 31 Year 12 Graduates

Last night we celebrated the Graduation of our 31 Graduates. It had been uncertain for most of the term how we would be able to mark this significant occasion. When the latest guidelines were received it was a thrill to know we could go ahead with our usual plans on a smaller scale at the Italian Club. Each student invited 2 guests to the evening. The staff of the senior secondary area and the Principal Class team also attended. The Graduates went to a lot of effort to dress up. Awards were announced. There was a photo booth, a three, course meal and a DJ. Everyone had a wonderful evening celebrating the Graduation of our students. We wish each of them every success and happiness in the future. Thank you to all staff for supporting the students over the years to reach this milestone. Thank you especially to the Senior Secondary for supporting the students to be ready for the evening and to Kris Parsons for leading the Career Action Planning with each student and his/her family to ensure a successful post school placement.



Our Design Tech teacher Paul Calleja was recently recognised for 50 Years of Service to the Department of Education. Paul began teaching in 1971. Jackson School is fortunate to have a teacher on staff who has remained passionate throughout his career. Our students have been inspired by Paul to make a variety of things in wood, metal and plastic. 

Each year Paul has entered some of our student’s products into the Royal Melbourne Show. On many occasions the students have won prizes in a variety of categories competing against students in mainstream school. 

Thank you Paul for your inspiration and commitment to our students.



Our Final Assembly for the year will take place in the Courtyard tomorrow.

It will be a special occasion to finally bring our whole school community together in the courtyard. Our Year 6 students will Graduate from Primary School tomorrow at our end of year Assembly. The Parents and Carers of these students have been invited to the Assembly to celebrate them. We will have chairs spaced apart in the courtyard for these parents to ensure we remain within COVID Safe guidelines.



Recently our OSHC Team were assessed in 7 areas.

I am very proud to share that our brilliant OSHC providers received a grading of EXCEEDING in all 7 areas. We are fortunate to have “Their Care” as our partners. Thank you to Michael Abela, Natalia, Remeth, Rebecca and all the team. Jackson School looks forward to continuing our partnership.            


Virtual Carols this year

Normally we would be celebrating our Carols Concert in the Courtyard this evening. This has been a highlight on our school calendar every year since I began as principal. At the concert we celebrate the performing talents of our students. This year our students have continued to develop their skills and prepared a performance. Thank you to Craig Latham our Performing Arts who has used his creativity to film each class performance and then combine it into an interesting Virtual Carols Concert. I hope each family finds the time to sit together and enjoy watching.



This year we say goodbye to a few staff. 

Laura Gianfreddo will be taking maternity leave. We wish her and her partner the safe arrival of her new baby.

Gabrielle Reidel-Macarthur has accepted a three year position at Jennings Street School where she will be supporting the school in their developing programs in year 9-12.

Courtney Rathgen has accepted a position teaching in the APY Lands in Fregon. Courtney is the third Jackson staff member to teach indigenous students in the far west corner of South Australia. 

 Shirley Tranter ha chosen to retire after working at Jackson School for 8 years. 

On behalf of the school community, I would like to thank these staff members for their contribution to our school and wish each of them happiness in their chosen pathway.

Saranpal K. will be moving with her family to work in the United Arab Emirates. Saran may return to Jackson School for the 2022 school year.



Due to the challengers faced by many families this year our School Council has decided that there will be no parent payments for the 2021 school year. The school will cover the costs of student resources and activities for the 2021 school year. This is only for the 2021 school year. Payment contributions will return in 2022. I hope families find this helpful as we continue to return to our COVID safe way of living.


I will be taking leave for the first 6 months of the 2021 school year. Anthony Jackson will lead the school as the Acting Principal. Anthony will continue our commitment to the ongoing improvement of Jackson School and strive for all students to reach their gaols to improve their outcomes. 


I wish all families and carers a happy Christmas and a safe and enjoyable holiday period.

