Principal's Report
Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: David O'Kane
Welcome to Term 3
Wecome to all students and parents to the new term. Term 3 is traditionally very busy and I know we already have a number of activities under way. It is also a term for some really consolidated work in the classroom and teachers have plenty planned for their students.
I would like to welcome to our school staff Ms Marlema Miritis (returning from Parental Leave) and Ms Tracey Koper who will be taking 1C for the rest of the year in Ms Cavanagh's absence, and Ms Tania Maisey who will be taking 4H for 6 weeks while Ms Lakeman is on leave.
Also a huge welcome to the staff to MsDean, Ms Groves and Ms Robertson who have all been employed as ES support staff in the classrooms.
Jaguars Schoolaerobics Team
Seven girls and 2 staff are off the the Gold Coast for the National Schoolaerobics Championship next week. We wish them the very best of luck. I know they have been training hard and are all very excited about the event.
The school community can support these girls and their families by participating in the fundraising day run by the JPPC on Tuesday 1 August. Student can have a Free Dress Day at school for a gold coin donation. There is also a lunch deal on this day with a BBQ sausage in bread and fruit juice box.
Please get involved and support the girls.
Building Renovations
We are getting close to a start date for the Administration Building renovations starting - possibly within the next 2 weeks. When this does occur there will be considerable disruption to the school. Plans at present are:
* moving administration to the music room (by the basketball court)
* moving art to the portable behind the senior building
* moving the staff room into the ELC corner room
* moving OSHClub to the gym office and foyer
* closing the library and ICT lab
* students will have to use the gym toilets
We realise this is really messy and crowded, however the temporary pain will be worthwhile when we have a revamped office, roof and student toilets.
Reminder - Uniform and Hair
Please ensure that you child(ren) are coming to school in the correct uniform. Our school colors are navy blue and red (plus some white), so jackets, jumpers, pants socks, headbands and beanies in any other color are not permitted.
Tax Time - don't forget!!
Time to do your taxes again - don't forget that if you paid anything towards the school's Building Fund and Library/Computer Fund, those amounts are tax deductable.