Year 4 - Buddies
What I like about buddies
One of the things I like about buddies is playing fun games and activities. Also doing arts and craft and helping them to learn. I enjoy helping them to do the right thing. I like to play with them at recess and lunch. I am very grateful to have a buddy.
John F
In 2019 the grade 4’s are responsible for prep buddies. We played a cool snake and ladders game and read a book to the buddies. My buddies name is Kenzi. She’s smart, funny and cute. Kenzi almost knows all my friends names. My buddies friends are named Clarrissa and Ashlinn. The first time I met Kenzi she was shy but now she isn’t anymore, she is always smiling. I enjoying being a buddie leader and helping other preps if they can’t find there buddies.
Sasha G
This year the grade 4’s have enjoyed having prep buddies. We have done many activities such as team building games, drawing, reading and more. My buddies name is Clarissa and she is very cute and funny. My favourite thing about buddies is doing activities and playing together. I remember when I was in prep. I was shy when I first met my buddy, but throughout the year I had the best time.
Lidia A
When I first met my buddy I was tremendously excited. In the first session we chatted and got to know each and while we ate lunch. Then we watched and practised our alphabet sound. I have shown my buddy interesting areas around the school, how to be safe and how to sit. I am over the moon with excitement and can’t wait to see what we do next.
Karez S
I have also really loved working with my buddy. I remember my first day and I was so scared, so it is good to be a buddy just like I had a buddy in prep. I have been showing my buddy how to be helpful to others and be a good listener. Our buddies are kind and caring.
Maddison G