We are all so excited to be a part of the SRC leadership team this year. We are all very happy and excited that our cohorts voted us to be trusted to be their SRC for 2019. All of us wanted to be a part of the SRC team for very similar reasons. We all wanted the opportunity to experience being a leader. We also wanted to improve on our public speaking and our confidence.
This term we the Year 7-9 SRC went on their first Whittlesea Cluster meeting. We discussed how we can improve our leadership skills with students from other schools in our area.
We were also busy hosting our first fundraising which was the Easter Raffle. We collected all the Easter goodies in the morning and spent a whole lunch time with our Year 9 School Leaders wrapping all the prizes to give out to the winners. We all had so much fun!
We are all really looking forward to the rest of the year!