Diary Dates


16th - NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

17th - NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

18th - Year 5 Kindergarten Visits 9:15am

Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs Footscray North PS

21st - Year 1/2 Gymnastics Program at FCGC

24th - School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning Day: High Impact Teaching Strategies: Excellence in Teaching and Learning

25th - Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs St John's PS

28th - Year 1/2 Gymnastics Program at FCGC


1st - Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs Footscray PS

3rd - First Communion 11:00am

8th - Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs Dinjerra PS

11th - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

26th - Mid Year Learning Expo 3:30pm-4:30pm

29th - Student Reports Distributed

End of Term 2: Students finish at 1:00pm


16th - Term 3 Commences

16th-27th - Year Prep 2019 Interviews

30th - Year 3-6 Art Gallery Excursion


8th - Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: Mass at 10:30am

15th - Feast of the Assumption: Mass at 10:30am

20th - Cyber Safety Project - Parent Information Night  6:30pm

23rd-Footscray District Interschool Athletics Carnival at Newport Athletics Track (Back up Day 30th August)

31st - Fathers' Day Breakfast

Fathers' Day Stall

Footy Colours Dress up day

To View Our Full Yearly Calendar Click the Link Below

Please note that events are continually updated on this live calendar.