Education in Faith

Prayer for Families
Lord Jesus, be with my family.
Grant us Your peace and harmony.
Gift us with compassion to better understand each other, wisdom and love to assist each other, and trust and patience to live peacefully together.
Grant that through the intercession of your mother, Mary, and St. Joseph, our family may become a holy family accepting each other, working together in unity, selflessly dedicated to one another and to You.
Following on from our Mothers’ Day celebrations, this week we celebrate the blessings of our families during Family Week.
May is also the month we celebrate Mary Our Mother and we encourage you all to pray the Rosary and Hail Mary this month.
We invite you to take some time to be present with your family this week and participate in some of the following activities together. So switch off the television, phones, iPads and computers and do something different instead:
- Play a board game or card game.
- Read a book together. Have each family member read a section.
- Make time for each person to tell about his or her day.
- Play a ball game, have a skipping competition!
- Look through photo albums and share the memories.
- Write a letter, send an e-mail or phone a family member you do not see very often to let them know you are thinking of them.
- Share your family talents in your own talent show
- Organise a family outing
Enjoy the time you share with your families.
Miss Jane Wilkinson
(Religious Education Leader)