Acting Principal's Message
Message from Mr Graham Jones
Last week BCS celebrated 'Book Week'. The theme of 'Reading is my Secret Power' was well represented across the school with many students and staff dressing up as their favourite superhero or character from a book.
The Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations were also held last week, signifying the completion of formal assessment at Boroowa Central School for the students. They will now move onto finishing course work and revising for the HSC exams in Term 4.
To round out Week 5 many students in Primary represented Boorowa Central School at the District Athletics carnival in Grenfell. They ran, threw and jumped to the best of their ability and were excellent ambassadors of the school.
This week is SASS (School Administrative and Support Staff) recognition week at BCS. We held an afternoon tea on Monday to thank our fantastic SASS and SLSO (School Learning Support Officers) and to recognise their contribution to the learning outcomes of the students. Each and every one of these support staff members are excellent in their roles and have the best interests of the students and their families at heart. I thank them for their valuable contribution.
Teaching and non-teaching staff have been up-skilling themselves recently through the completion of the ‘Supporting Student Wellbeing’ webinars hosted by the e-safety commissioner. These 3 webinars are designed to educate teachers, parents and the community about the dangers of unsafe online interactions and to identify and implement supportive strategies. As a follow-up to these webinars, the Police Youth Liaison Office is visiting the school next week to speak to students in stages 3-5 about these issues and more. In the near future I would also like to offer parent information sessions to further embed safe online practices. Watch this space.
The Executive Team has begun the planning phase of the recent Situational Analysis to implement the 13 recommendations. This process involves the assessment of our current progress toward the School Plan and our performance within the School Excellence Framework. We will then identify priority areas and establish strategies to address these areas for the next 12 months. When the plan has been completed I will share it with the students, staff and community to ensure we are all working toward the same goals together.
Planning is also underway for the 150 years of education at Boorowa Central School in 2020. I will be sending out information in the coming weeks to invite all interested persons to a meeting where a committee will be formed. This committee will then work with the school to plan celebratory events and activities next year.
And finally, the Merit Selection process is well underway for the Principal's position here at BCS. I anticipate that I will be able to announce the successful candidate by the end of the term, providing the process runs smoothly.
Thank you for another great fortnight at BCS.