Students of the Month

Alannah Axisa D7 - Dunlop


This month Dunlop 7 would like to congratulate Alannah Axisa on being the student of the month for the Dunlop cluster. She is a valued member in all of her classes and should be commended for her excellent start to Year 12 in Term 1. Alannah consistently demonstrates a high level of dedication to all of her subjects, seeks guidance and feedback on her work and always strives to achieve her best.

Alannah is very respectful to all those around her and has a kind, caring and thoughtful personality. She approaches every situation with an open mind and has a positive attitude. She is always willing to assist those around her and is source of support for her peers.

Well done Alannah! Keep up the great work!


Ethan Saragozza C2 - Chang


Chang’s student of the month is Ethan Saragozza of C2. Ethan is our Year 11 Cluster Sport Leader, and well deserves this title. Ethan is a student that not only shows leadership through sport, but also as a peer, student and friend. Ethan consistently has a positive approach to his classes and the people around him, and is very dependable. He has been a supportive member of Chang 2, always looking out for others and building up the people around him. He has also been commended for his efforts as the cricket captain, and has been a true leader of the team. Ethan has been a committed student and upholds the values of Chang – compassion, endeavor, dignity.

Liam Cauchi B5 - Bradman


As an enthusiastic, cooperative and friendly student, the Bradman Cluster would like to congratulate Liam Cauchi as student of the month for March. Liam’s passion for sport and physical activity has really shown throughout term 1. He is an active participant in cluster sport and encourages his peers to become involved too. Liam can be seen proudly carrying the Bradman Cluster flag to and from cluster sport, and displays a high level of sportsmanship and pride towards his cluster. Liam has also shown a dedication towards his year twelve studies and should be commended for all of his efforts so far this year. Well done, Liam!

Tori Lovell B3 - Bradman


The Bradman Cluster would like to congratulate Tori Lovell as student of the month for April. She a studious member of Bradman who has achieved a high level of academic success this year already. Tori is a pleasant and hardworking student who is ready to assist her fellow peers at all times, and we would like to specifically celebrate her dedication and attention to the small things that may often go overlooked in such a busy VCE schedule. Well done Tori, you are progressing amazingly well and we all believe you will have successful year!